A Charlie Brown Christmas Like You’ve Never Seen It

This Charlie Brown video is the work of a a great editor and synced so perfectly with the music of hardcore punk band, Bad Brains.

Bad Brains was formed in Washington, D.C., back in 1977. They are regarded as among the pioneers of hardcore punk, though the band’s members objected to this term to describe their music. They are also an adept reggae band, while later recordings featured elements of other genres like funk, heavy metal, hip-hop and soul. Bad Brains are followers of the Rastafari movement.

Formed by guitarist Dr. Know, vocalist H.R., bassist Darryl Jenifer and drummer Earl Hudson in the early 1980s, Bad Brains are influenced by reggae and pure punk rage. At the time, these two influences were surfacing in U.K. punk bands, but the Bad Brains took it a step further and were pioneers at crossing the genres and bringing a manic energy never seen before.

It’s A Bad Brains Christmas, Charlie Brown from Tad Was Here on Vimeo.

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