A Conservative Spotted in Coral Springs

Photos by Zen Belmond.

One of our eagle-eyed readers spotted this rare sighting at the Sportsplex in Coral Springs.

In a part of South Florida that’s predominately liberal, someone actually found a conservative and shared it with Tamarac Talk today.

Zen Belmond was ice skating with his children when he came across this car with conservative slogans written across it.  Some of the slogans were quite a sight so he took some photos of them to share.

“I love how he says guns save lives on the back of his car but is letting people know he will kill them on the side of his car,” said Belmond.

“But in all seriousness, when I see things like this it is a clear reminder of how much work we have to do,” he said.  “It also makes me get more motivated in making sure I teach my kids right from wrong.”

Thank you for sharing this with us.

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