Broward Sheriff’s Office Shred-A-Thon and Operation Medicine Cabinet Breaks New Records in Tamarac

Prescription drugs are sorted, boxed, and taken to an incinerator

BSO held their Shred-A-Thon and Operation Medicine Cabinet event at Kings Point on Saturday to an overwhelming success.  Both programs help prevent prescription drug abuse and identity theft by safely disposing of old medicines and personal documents.

Over 451 cars drove through that participated in either program or both.  The Shred-A-Thon produced 19,100 pounds of documents that were destroyed, according to External Affairs Executive Director  Art Santucci. This was a new record for the program at BSO.

The Operation Medicine Cabinet yielded over 4,800 controlled substances collected, including Alprazolam (Xanax), Hydrocodone and Oxycodone, and over 40,000 non controlled medications.

To date, this was the second largest collection of prescription drugs since the program began.

Lines of people waited in their cars to have their documents shredded

Kingspoint Residents Gilbert Tabakin with Clairmont and Irving Silverman with Weldon

Fire Chief Neal de Jesus and Executive Director of External Affairs Art Santucci

Here volunteers help dump the papers (no photos of papers allowed..this is a secure operation!)

One of the services that these machines perform is destroying computer harddrives. Here is the before...

...And after....The machine has punctured the drive making it unusable

Many volunteers worked together from BSO




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