City of Tamarac: Give our Money Back

Money! By Tracy Olson – Tracy O

By: Sharon Aron Baron

Cuts resulting from lost revenue have made the City of Tamarac close its parks every Monday, with no plans to revert to the former schedule.  It’s no wonder why today’s story in the Sun-Sentinel about cities hoarding extra rainy day cash so upsetting.

According to the article, Tamarac has $24.5 million in unreserved funds.   This amount is more than 75 percent of its total annual expenditures of $32.6 million for 2010.  It goes on to say that the recommended minimum of the Government Finance Officers Association is about 17 percent of its annual expenditures.  To clarify, this means that Tamarac is holding on to over $19 million in excess reserve funds.

Weston, who has around the same population as Tamarac but with more than twice the amount of land, spent $18 million in 2005 cleaning up after Hurricane Wilma.  According to Weston’s Assistant City Manager, FEMA reimburses for most clean-up. However, it takes years.   We should have money in reserves for emergencies like this. Still, I can’t imagine Tamarac ever spending anything near what Weston spent cleaning after a hurricane.  Not for our size.

The $24.5 million is way more than any hurricane fund.  This money belongs to us, the taxpayers, and if the City of Tamarac isn’t going to return the $18 million excess by cutting our taxes, then they need to put our money to work this way:

Remember, it’s the resident’s money, and we should demand that it be put back to work for us.

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