Latest Edition of Tam-A-Gram Thinks Bragging Banners Bring in Buyers

By: Sharon Aron Baron

The City Manager is doing damage control in the latest issue of the Tam-A-Gram, telling residents why the city is spending thousands of dollars bragging about the Palladium Award on banners all over town.

Is someone over there reading Tamarac Talk?

They stand by the fact that they sunk $6,900 into street banners showcasing their obscure Palladium Award win because they are convinced that the award not only shows our city to be financially sound but would encourage more families to move to Tamarac!

Are you kidding me?  This really shows how out of touch our city really is. So out of touch that our city manager must live in Parkland or something!

Couldn’t they have found something more enticing about our city instead of spending thousands of dollars on street banners bragging about having a balanced scorecard for executing strategy?

The problem is, they didn’t.

Now they are doing damage control because everyone knows what a bunch of garbage those banners are.

Meanwhile, our residents are too smart to buy their explanation, and the bottom line is: families aren’t moving here because the City of Tamarac is “financially sound.”

OK, city manager, let me give you a piece of advice. One of the biggest reasons why people want to move to a city is the same reason why you wanted to move to Parkland: Because your schools are great.

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According to US News and World Report, the top reasons people should consider when choosing a neighborhood:

Notice that they don’t mention that the city should be financially sound. In fact, I don’t know of anyone on Earth that uses that as criteria when choosing a city to move to.

While Coral Springs has their Worldfest street banners which showcase their annual cultural event featuring food and entertainment from around the world, Tamarac residents will have to endure relishing in the fact that we’re at the top of our game in performance excellence.

Hopefully, soon we’ll get some spring banners or something generic to replace these soon.

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