Tamarac Business Owner Must Take Down Flag


A Tamarac business owner has taken his flag down after the city ordered him to get a permit.

According to WSVN, Mike Neuroth, who runs a laundromat put up the flag to draw attention away from the adult video store next door to his business.

The city required several permits which would have added up to $2,000.

Of course, many patriotic citizens are going to cry “foul” and say this it is our rights as Americans to plunk any old flagpole whereever we want.

Maybe they’ll even scream at the city for being un-American.

I say they did the right thing.

Did you get a look at that pole just sticking into the dirt?  I wouldn’t want that javelin thrown my way during a windy day.

If Neuroth wants to save on permit fees, I have tons of small flags that I bought at Home Depot that he can borrow.

These are just as patriotic and won’t put anyone’s eye out.

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