Why the Writers at Buzzfeed Should be Ashamed of the Crap They’re Writing

Some of the cool people at Buzzfeed researching their next piece of investigative Journalism

By: Sharon Aron Baron

Those writers at Buzzfeed are cool, hip and probably all young millennials. They work at these awesome offices in New York City and are most likely all college graduates too. Hell, they’re getting paid, so they are way further along the food chain than my blogs are, however, from what I can tell, they aren’t using too much of what they learned by producing garbage like this: “15 Instagram Accounts That Will Make You Want To Move To Edinburgh Immediately”

There are no hipsters in Tamarac-  says Tamarac Talk

What is this crap?

And why are my Facebook friends reading it?

Buzzfeed says that they are the “leading media company for the social age, intensely focused on delivering high-quality original reporting. OK, I read the original reporting part…you can’t get more original than “Why Gay Men Still Love “The Golden Girls.”

But high-quality?

The worst part are those useless quizzes that they churn out. Yeah, I used to take these back when I read those old-fashioned magazines. But what was great back in the old days is the whole world didn’t have to know “Which Golden Girl Are You?”

Here are some other winners from the kids at Buzzfeed:

I’ll admit it,  I have friends that are sharing these on Facebook right now, and they seem amazed at the results – as if the writers at Buzzfeed scientifically matched them with the right kind of cookie that fit their particular personality.

Buzzfeed writers I’m sure you’re really proud of yourselves. You better hang on to those jobs, because Time Magazine isn’t a-calling.

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