Yogurt Shop in Tamarac Hosts Weekly Karaoke Night for Kids

Take a few yogurt-loving kids, add a bit of summer boredom and a microphone and you have an instant “Kid’s Party” at Menchies at Midway Plaza each Friday night.

Owner Suzanne Strump has been hosting Karaoke nights on Friday nights this summer and each week more children attend.

“We plan on having it every Friday, weather permitting,” says Strump, “I usually post during the week if it will go on, in case something comes up.”

Strump hires DJ Danny to play music and kid’s have the opportunity to sing their favorite songs. There are also games the children can play to earn prizes. One is passing a hula-hoop:  Children form a circle and have to pass the hula hoop between them without letting go of each other’s hands. The child that has the hoop when the music stops, is out.

Besides games, the DJ also gets the kids dancing as well, so parents don’t have to worry about those extra toppings on their yogurt.

A few parents said that their children were so excited about the next Friday night at Menchies, that they practice their favorite songs during the week.

“It is definitely producing great feedback from guests, kids enjoy themselves and adults too.” Strump said.

Menchies Midway Plaza
5729 North University Drive 

TAMARAC,  FL  33321-4635 

(954) 721-8585

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