Adoption Alert: Patriot Was Abandoned At a Shelter, But is Ready for a Loving Home


By Claire Cornish

To look at this handsome, happy boy smile, you would think that his two years of life had been filled with happiness, laughter, and fun; in reality, poor Patriot has had a rough time of it.

Before he was a year old, he was abandoned by his family and taken to the shelter by a Good Samaritan. Although he was adopted quickly, he suffered heartache again when his new beloved owner died, and there was nobody in the family to take care of him.

All alone, Patriot felt understandably confused and hopeless, but with the help of his rescue team, he has found his smile again.

Now he wants to find his forever home – could that be you?

Patriot is fun, lively, and energetic. He would make a great running or rollerblading buddy, and he also likes to play with toys and run after a ball. He had just graduated top of the class from training and lived to show off his skills.

If you would like to meet this amazing boy, please contact his rescue,, or email

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