Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine’s July Update

Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine.

By: County Commissioner Michael Udine

Over the past couple of months, several high-profile projects have begun throughout Broward County. In Northwest Broward, radio communication towers are being constructed to enhance emergency communications for first responders, and they will be a necessary component of the County’s overall E911 system.

I look forward to updating you as they progress.

Here is the status of two in our area:

There are many other major happenings in County government. Currently, the County is in the process of upgrading and expanding the Broward County Convention Center, and in May, we hosted a demolition celebration. This project will have wide-reaching significance to Broward’s economy through tourism and job creation and will secure the future of meetings and conventions in our area. Lastly, FLL is making improvements to its South Runway over the summer. No interruptions are expected for travelers, and this will help our airport to remain safe and competitive for years to come. Check out the progress of all these projects and more at

During June, I participated in a roundtable discussion on Mental Health hosted by the Florida Association of Counties. As always, I brought the views of Northwest Broward to the statewide community so that the lessons we have learned in Parkland can assist communities throughout the state. 

July is full of fun for the entire family. Our community offers all sorts of summer camps and activities. Whether your kids are participating in sports, music, the traditional summer camp, or you are taking a summer vacation as a family, I hope you enjoy all that our community offers. 

Speaking of summer programs, Broward’s libraries and parks offer many. The Florida Panthers are hosting their annual Summer Reading Tour and will visit the Northwest Regional Library on Friday, July 26th at 1 pm.  Additional opportunities include the “Young Engineers” Generation Shock: Wind and Solar Power” program at the North Lauderdale Saraniero Library on July 19th from 3-5 pm. This program is for children grades K-5. Check out all the options for this month at our local libraries!

Our County parks offer many ways to get out in nature. I encourage you to reach out to your local cities as well and see how you can get involved.

Events in July include the following:

Finally, I would like to encourage all District 3 residents to attend their cities upcoming Fourth of July celebrations.  There is nothing greater than coming together as a community to honor the freedom that we have. Whether you’re attending the fireworks at Mullins Park or having a cookout with the family, I hope you enjoy your Independence Day celebration.

Staying connected with the residents of District 3 is a top priority for me. Every month, we hold office hours on the third Wednesday. I can be reached at or (954) 357-7003. 

Office Hour Locations:

Michael Udine

Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine represents Seat Three which covers Coral Springs, Parkland, Tamarac and North Lauderdale.

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