Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine.
By: Vice Mayor Michael Udine
During the first week of May, we celebrate National Small Business Week. Our office wants to see your Broward businesses succeed. Be on the lookout during Small Business Week, where I will be sharing our annual #SmallBusinessShoutouts on social media platforms, contributed by small business owners and patrons in our community. Let us all do our part in supporting and showcasing small businesses!
I recently visited Nova Southeastern University’s brand-new Alan B. Levan Center of Innovation. This public-private partnership, planned for opening in Summer 2021, will serve to provide opportunities for innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. The Center will be pivotal for both students and businesses alike by creating pathways to develop talent and connecting the workforce for future industries in Broward County. I look forward to seeing this incredible space used to create, innovate, and serve the community for years to come.
When we think about Port Everglades, we usually think about cargo and cruises. We should also add law enforcement and protecting our coasts to that description. I had the opportunity to see this in action when the United States Coast Guard Cutter Forward made a stop at the port. During this stop, the cutter offloaded over $130 million in contraband from their most recent mission. The men and women of the United States Coast Guard not only enforce the laws of our country in our territorial waters but also provide services such as search and rescue for boaters. It was great to meet Commander Medick and his crew, and I thank them for their continued service to our nation.
In April, the Broward County Commission dedicated the Hillsboro Pineland Natural Area as the Kristin Jacobs Natural Area. Among many other accolades, Rep. Jacobs was a dedicated advocate for our environment at both the state and local level. This area has walking trails, observation sites, and educational opportunities for school children to see the environment and native ecosystems of Broward County. Check it out when you get a chance. The beauty of this area will not disappoint.
If we know anything about the upcoming months, it is that we must keep an eye on the tropics and stay ready in case a storm heads our way. This year is no exception. The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on June 1st; however, earlier storms are always possible. Remember, get your hurricane plans ready now! Whether that means knowing where you will evacuate to or having the necessary supplies to ride out the storm, it is always better to be prepared. During this time, Broward County Emergency Management is also preparing. Rest assured that we will make sure all steps are taken. You can get all the latest updates by signing up for AlertBroward and checking out the resources on your city’s website. Let’s be prepared and safe this hurricane season.
I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. This year many of the events and celebrations that we cherish are back. Please remember to gather safely as we enjoy spending time with family and friends.
The top priority for my staff and I is staying connected with the residents of the District. We are available by phone, email, and social media. Reach me at MUdine@Broward.org or my office at (954) 357-7003. Follow on social media @CommissionerMichaelUdine on Facebook and @MichaelUdine on Twitter or Instagram to receive important updates and see what is happening in our community. Let’s connect!
Michael Udine
Broward County Vice Mayor Michael Udine represents Seat Three, covering Coral Springs, Parkland, Tamarac, and North Lauderdale.
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