Once Someone’s Pet, Its Been a Long Time Since Three-Year-Old Bailey Was Loved


By Claire Cornish

Bailey is a sensitive, gentle three-year-old little girl who is hoping that the rest of her life will be so wonderful that it makes her forget its beginning, which was far from pleasant. 

In fact, when it comes to happiness, the bar has been set very low for this sweet, shy pup. Although her lovely manners and excellent in-home behavior suggest that she was once somebody’s pet, it’s been a long while since she was loved and cherished in the way that she deserves. 

When Bailey arrived at the local shelter, her paw pads were raw and burned, as though she had been walking a long way on hot asphalt; months later, she is all healed, and you would never know that her paws had been traumatized. 

Bailey desperately wants to trust in a family or a human of her own. She is fostered in a home with adults and kids and does well with both. She is also dog friendly, although having a canine sibling is not a deal-breaker – she would be happy either way. 

She needs love, structure, and stability, so if you would like to make Bailey’s dearest wish come true, please contact her rescue Popopitbulls.org or email seasunsandmarket@yahoo.com.


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