Woman Alleges She Was the Target of a Racism-Fueled Road Rage Incident

By: Ryan Yousefi

A man was caught on video yelling racial slurs at a black woman in traffic — allegedly threatening to follow her home.

On Thursday at 1 p.m., Kimberly McIntosh, 28, of Lauderhill, said she was heading north on 441 on her way home from work when, near the NW 62nd Street intersection – also named Broadview Blvd, a man in a vehicle behind her began honking, cursing, and yelling at her.

At first, McIntosh says she ignored the irate man but began recording him for her safety after he aggressively pulled beside her. Multiple videos show a troubling interaction that McIntosh says authorities are currently looking into.

The first video picks up with the man exiting his truck and giving McIntosh, who is Jamaican, the middle finger while screaming profanities. Eventually, the incident takes a racially charged turn as the man spouts racist slurs at her as he drives away.

“If I am being honest, I was raking my mind trying to see what did I do to warrant him coming out of the car and spewing such hate,” McIntosh said. “I did not know what he was going to do. I was by myself, so they only thing I could do was start recording.”

A second video shows the man once again pulling towards her vehicle. This time, McIntosh says she attempted to get a picture of his license plate so she could report the incident to the police.

Then, she says, the matter escalated, and if not for some good Samaritan, she believes the man may have escalated the confrontation into an assault, or worse.

“I tried to slow down to get his plate so that he would get in front of me and not behind me because, at the intersection, he told me he would follow me home,” McIntosh said. “I realized he meant it when I then saw him get behind my car again.”

“When I got out to get his license plate number, he jumped out of his car again. Luckily, two black men came out of their cars to help me. I drove off, and when I got home, I called the police.”

Multiple social media users have since attempted to identify the man. Some even claiming to have uncovered his Facebook account, one that has since been deleted. McIntosh says authorities have been provided all the pictures and videos she has of the incident and will contact her when there is a result of the investigation.

Amid the Black Lives Matter protests in response to multiple incidents of police brutality and authorities using what many feel have been unwarranted uses of deadly force, racial tensions are high in America. McIntosh says this incident only drives home further the fact that racism and hatred, in general, has to stop.

“This could have happened to anyone, and it could’ve taken a left turn,” McIntosh says. “I want people who see my story to understand that this is a serious time, and you have to be prepared for anything. Racism is real.”

“We can’t have any justice or peace unless we create a society free of racism.”

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