Tamarac Crime Update: Chemical HAZMAT Incident at Caporella Aquatic Center


By Kevin Deutsch

Through our joint effort with the Broward Sheriff’s Office to share updates to residents, this is a summary of Tamarac crime and arrests through September 27, 2021.

Auto Theft

University Dr.

On 09/23/2021, the victim’s white 2019 Nissan Maxima was stolen from a parking lot. Tot. Est. Loss: $325.

Burglary Residence

Sanibel Drive

The victim returned to her residence on 09/23/2021 to find her rear sliding glass door shattered, and contents of the home ransacked. Tot. Est. Loss: $1,537.

Chemical Spill

9300 NW 58th Street

On 09/25/2021, in the Caporella Aquatic Center’s pool area, an employee poured chlorine in a 50-gallon drum of muriatic acid, which caused a chemical reaction and produced gas. Tamarac Fire Rescue arrived and called for a Hazmat Crew. The City of Sunrise and Broward County Fire Rescue arrived on the scene. After investigating the drum, first-responders decided to call a company to remove the entire drum to dispose of it properly. They requested a deputy to block off the front entrance and not let anyone enter the area.

Criminal Mischief

Treehouse Lane

The victim’s front window and front door fire extinguisher box were shattered by two unknown subjects on 09/24/2021. They appeared to be irate over a previous incident. Subjects fled northbound in the community and remain unknown.

Domestic Disturbance

Nob Hill Road

On 09/24/2021, a couple had an argument where the girlfriend demanded the boyfriend leave her residence. The boyfriend agreed to leave but decided to keep his set of keys, including the key to a BMW that belonged to the girlfriend. No crime was committed.


Commercial Blvd.

On 09/21/2021, a man wanted to report that his neighbor’s dog caused him to fall and break his hip.

Missing Person

NW 44th Street

On 9/25/2021, the reporting party advised she last saw her husband Harold Villieres, 100, at 11:30 p.m. on 09/24/21 when she went to bed. At 5:15 a.m., she realized he was not at the residence. He was entered into police records as missing.


University Drive

A man was the victim of stalking on 09/21/2021. The victim said the suspect used to be a patient of his. She has been sending him love notes and other items even after being told she was no longer welcome in the office. She even showed up at his residence in Parkland.


Commercial Blvd.

On 09/23/2021, the victim’s stolen license plate was replaced by a suspect with another unreported license plate. Tot. Est. Loss: $210.


Davis, Darnell Brian, 30, was arrested on charges of Warrant on W Commercial Blvd on 09/25/2021.

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