Chabad of Tamarac Celebrates Passover with a Community Seder

Rabbi Kopel Silberberg

By Agrippina Fadel

The Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac holds a community Passover Seder with fine kosher wines and handmade Shmurah Matzah.

A seder is a Jewish ritual service and ceremonial dinner traditionally held on the first and second night of Passover. The meal includes four glasses of wine, drank during the ceremony at intervals, and four courses.

Rabbi Kopel Silberberg said that every year Chabad of Tamarac provides a family-friendly public Seder for anyone looking to celebrate Passover with the traditional food, Matzah, and wine; no affiliation or prior knowledge of the traditions is necessary.

“This is a beautiful holiday that gets the community together,” he said, adding that the evening will include readings from Haggadah and timeless messages of Passover.

Rabbi Silberberg said that traditionally, Passover is a holiday of freedom, celebrating Exodus from Egypt and Jewish people escaping slavery.

“But the truth is, it is supposed to speak to every one of us and all the things that are still holding us back today – be it an addiction, emotional or physical issues we need to break out of,” he explained. “The deeper idea of Seder is not only to celebrate the historical significance of Passover but to access our inner freedom. And that is what we are trying to do as a community.”

The cost of the community Seder is $40 for adults and $25 for children, with many options available for those who want to sponsor the celebration. The registration is open till Tuesday, April 12, and the celebration is held on Friday, April 15, at 7.30 p.m.

Rabbi Silberberg added that Chabad of Tamarac also gives out free Matzah for Seder for those in the community who need it.

“While many people get Matzah from the local grocery store, those are generally square and machine-made. The idea is actually to have handmade round Shmurah Matzah for Seder – and ours happened to be made in Ukraine, so it has added significance to people, especially this year,” he said.

Rabbi Silberberg added that anyone who would like to get a box is welcome to sign up on Chabad’s website. Traditional Matzah is also available for purchase.

Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac is located at 8100 N.University Drive.

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