Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac Teaches Reading Hebrew Course

Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac is located at 8100 N University Drive {Google maps}

By Agrippina Fadel

Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac offers a new crash course on reading Hebrew. A Rohl Jewish Learning Institute program, the course promises the participants will be able to decipher Hebrew texts by the end of the first class.

Starting on July 12, the course is held on Tuesday evenings, from 8 to 9 p.m., for five weeks. The course fee is $65 for a single person and $100 for a couple and includes a beautiful set of flashcards and an app to help students practice at home.

Rabbi Kopel Silberberg said that “Learn to Read Hebrew in Five Sessions” is a fun and engaging course that answers a popular request from the Chabad community. “Sometimes people go to the synagogue and may feel lost because they cannot read the prayers in Hebrew. That does not mean they can’t practice the religion, but many do have a desire to learn the original language so they can read and follow along,” he explained.

Rabbi Silberberg added that the course targets beginners and those who wish to brush up on their reading. No prior Hebrew knowledge is required, and the course does not cover comprehension or conversation.

The course is held at the Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac at 8100 North University Drive.

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