Chabad of Tamarac Hosts Chanukah Wonderland for Children

By Agrippina Fadel

Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac hosts its first Chanukah Wonderland, a unique event for the children that includes a Glow in The Dark Menorah, a fire show presentation, arts and crafts, gelt, and music.

Held on Sunday, December 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Chabad Center, the event is free for adults with $5 admission per child.

Rabbi Kopel Silberberg said the Chanukah fair would have plenty of exciting activities for the children to learn and do with their parents through the holidays, including latke making and donut decorating. Home Depot is sponsoring a workshop where everyone can build their own menorah.

“Tamarac Fire Department is bringing firetrucks to the event, and children can talk to the crew and get tours of the trucks,” Rabbi Silberberg added.

“In Judaism, we believe that the children are our future, and that’s why it is so important to get them excited about Chanukah and its message. It is about cultivating the Jewish pride and celebrating as a community,” rabbi Silberberg said.

Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac is located at 8100 N. University Drive.

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