Over 1,500 Attend Tamarac’s Tinsel Town Drive-Thru and Other Holiday Events


By Agrippina Fadel

Tamarac residents celebrated the holidays at several city events.

According to Monique Johnson, marketing specialist with the city over 1,500 people attended the Tinsel Town Drive-Thru on December 10, and over 200 watched the Tree Lighting at Caporella Park.

“Considering the ongoing pandemic, we were delighted with the turnout,” said Johnson.

On December 11, over 100 people and with dogs dressed in their holiday finest at the Paws with Claus celebration, where pups could take a picture with Santa, and a week later, 40 children enjoyed the Grinch party, with another 25 taking advantage of virtual calls with Santa.

Tamarac athletes finished the year with an annual Jingle Brawl Lacrosse Tournament where 68 teams from different states participated.

She added, “The entire city staff worked hard to provide a safe environment for everyone to enjoy the festivities and return to some sense of normalcy this holiday season.”


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