Mayor Michelle J. Gomez
From: Mayor Michelle J. Gomez
Thank you for all of your efforts during this challenging time and for:
- Taking the “Safer at Home” order seriously!
- Creating cards for our frontline warriors, first responders, healthcare professionals, essential businesses and their employees, and other community superheroes.
- Making masks and buying groceries for your neighbors and others in need.
- Taking the time to check on others and keeping them company.
- Creatively showing your loved ones you care through car-parades and zoom dinners.
- All the teachers, staff, administration, and students for adapting to the virtual platform.
Although we all want to return to “normal” as soon as possible, we must be mindful and cautious in the process. Over the past month, I have participated in numerous calls and virtual meetings with federal, state, and local officials, business leaders, and medical professionals regarding COVID-19. Factual information and valuable resources have been shared to ensure that our communities are safe.
As you may know, Broward County issued a new emergency order effective April 29th. This order allows the partial reopening of parks, golf courses, boat marinas, and pools in multi-family developments – all subject to CDC guidelines and restrictions. This first phase of reopening has been carefully coordinated between the County and City Mayors, County Commissioners and Administration, and City Managers. However, the Governor’s Order 20-112, entered on April 29th, specifically excludes Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties from slowly reopening some businesses that will now be allowed for the rest of the state on May 4th. The order extends airport screening and isolation for individuals traveling to Florida.
Tamarac continues to partner with the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward County, Florida, and Feeding South Florida to assist our residents in need. Currently, there are two food distribution sites with a third one coming soon. We appreciate all of our faith-based community members, businesses, essential employees, and volunteers.
For those who need help with food or other resources, the City’s website also has our up-to-date Resource Guide sharing information regarding food distribution, personal finances, and employment assistance, small business resources and assistance, mental health and addiction resources, and more. The link is www.Tamarac.org/CoronavirusResources.
Everyone is doing a great job wearing their newest fashion accessory (face coverings) and following social distancing protocols! So, please continue to do so as you visit our local restaurants that are open for takeout and delivery and start to prepare for hurricane season that begins on June 1st.
For the latest information from the City, please check our Coronavirus web page at www.Tamarac.org/Coronavirus and sign up for CodeRED notifications by clicking the Emergency Services button at www.Tamarac.org. And, as always, I am just a phone call away.
In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive. We are getting through this together!
Very Happy Mother’s Day to All!