The campaign for Scott Israel has issued a press release demanding Sheriff Al Lamberti pull the offensive You Tube Videos that were posted a few days ago.
Videos seen here: You Tube.
Israel demanded today that incumbent Republican Sheriff Al Lamberti call on his supporters to take down YouTube videos in which an actress falsely accuses Israel of marital infidelity, statutory rape, and paying for an abortion.
These are false and vicious smears far outside the bounds of decency in any political campaign. Al Lamberti needs to call on his supporters to take down this dishonest, filth now,” said Israel.
“Taunting my wife Susan and mocking our three children — making all these false allegations — is truly despicable,” said Israel.
“I have never met the woman in this video. These are sleazy and anonymous attacks, as the woman in them doesn’t ever reveal her name,” said Israel. The videos also were posted on YouTube under a fake YouTube member name of “Barry Israel” and the YouTube pages each display false disclaimers indicating the videos came from Israel’s own campaign.
The woman’s video messages are internally inconsistent. She first implies she had a fairly recent six-month affair in the original video, then says she “worked” with Israel, then implies in a subsequent video that she is just 17-years-old even though the actress is clearly a decade older than her claimed age.
Even worse, it is readily apparent in one video that the actress is reading from cue cards – and doing a rather poor job of hiding her poor acting work. At other times, she is giggling, winking and playing with her long hair in the videos.
An attorney acting on behalf of Israel contacted YouTube’s legal department last week to request the deletion of the defamatory videos. YouTube Legal responded: “We do not remove content due to allegations of defamation. … We recommend that you pursue any claims you may have directly against the person who posted the content. If your lawsuit results in a decision against the person who posted the content, and if that court order requires us to remove the content from our service, we will respond accordingly.”
Israel has also asked that people with any information about the identity of the actress to please contact his campaign. “I plan to sue for defamation once we can identify the ‘Jane Doe’ who appears in the video,” said Israel.
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