Shaker Village Clubhouse {Tam-A-Gram}
By Susan Millard Emert
I just read the Tam-A-Gram that was delivered yesterday. I had the misfortune of reading Commissioner Marlon Bolton’s article.
How this person can look at himself in the mirror is beyond me. The entire article was full of half-truths or, should I say, half-information.
He made it sound like this “ poor east side “community of Shaker Village has been neglected and allowed to go into complete rack and ruin. That perhaps this has been done by some mysterious force.
Mr. Bolton, tell the whole truth and not just your slanted and self-serving version.
Shaker Village clubhouse was badly damaged by several natural disasters. Shaker Village received over $400,000 of insurance money. NOT ONE RED PENNY of that money went to repair that clubhouse. Ask any homeowner there where it went. No one knows. That’s a heck of an amount of money to lose!
This clubhouse has been in disrepair for years.
Commissioner Bolton, who lives there as a renter, rents from his supposed church and owns his unit.
Do you see something not right here?
Now, he ( along with the city attorney) goes out initially without the whole commission and makes a presentation on this project. He gets two untried new commissioners and sells them a bill of goods that this “ repair” to a private Condo building will really help the city. He uses the guise that a shared building that the taxpayers of Tamarac would be paying for helps the entire city.
We don’t need another building.
He neglects to mention that we would be paying over a million for the land, and then we would pay to remove the “eyesore.” There are also drainage repairs. Also, because no repair work was done, fines have to be paid, but I believe the word “ forgive” was thrown in there, if you get my drift.
We’re talking $10 million+. Bill paid by all the taxpayers. This is a very bad deal. How many HOA/ Condo clubhouses are in Tamarac? Can you imagine what would happen if everyone COULD come to the taxpayers of Tamarac and expect us to bail them out?
This is an unfair deal in plain English. If my clubhouse burns down, we have insurance; if that’s not enough, you would be assessed.
I don’t want one penny of my tax dollars to go to Shaker Village. I don’t live there. I pay my maintenance fee to my community and not to bail out a completely mismanaged community.
Also, since Commissioner Bolton resides there, he should recuse himself from discussing this subject. It’s a conflict of interest, and I think this would have been pointed out to him before any discussion or vote went forward.
Commissioners Wright and Daniels, grow a backbone, use your common sense, and rethink about you voted on.
The taxpayers of Tamarac won’t be used in this very bad deal.
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