JP Taravella High School Drama is holding its semi-annual “Huge Community Yard Sale” on Saturday February 22, from 8 am to noon in the west parking lot of of the High School, located at the corner of Coral Springs Drive and Riverside Drive.
This is a great opportunity for individuals or groups to make some extra money!
Individuals in Tamarac or Coral Springs who want to do a garage sale, but don’t want to bother with the mess and advertising it, and who are ready to clean out their garage or attic or part with their unwanted treasures can rent a spot at JP Taravella parking lot for only $20 and keep all the profits they make.
This is also a great fundraising opportunity for groups such as booster clubs, PTAs, community groups, etc. to have their members donate their unwanted goods, and sell them at the garage sale.
This is also an opportunity for home businesses to showcase their wares and for a $20 investment, take orders and make lots of profit.
JPT Drama will also accept donations of goods that are no longer wanted and they will sell them.
For information or to purchase a spot, contact Linda Larsen at or call Francine Lawlor (954) 755-4682. JP Taravella is located at 10600 Riverside Drive in Coral Springs Florida.
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