Shaker Village Clubhouse {Tam-A-Gram}
By Kate Johnson
There was a time when we thought of Tamarac as one city. It has even been a slogan of the city and the slogan of the yearly Multicultural Festival. It is often talked about and promoted as being best for the city. That’s a good thing. There is too much division in our world today, and we do not need it here.
These 12 square miles of the city were one. So, what happened? A new community center was proposed on the east side of Tamarac, a Community Center that the city does not need.
One commissioner decided he needed to pit east against west. If you were for the purchase of the private property and building of a new community center, the response was you were part of One Tamarac and on the right side of caring for our entire city. If you were against the deal, the cry was, “We are One Tamarac, why are you against the east side? You are the enemy of the East!” But people were not against the East. They were against spending $12 million of our tax dollars on another Community Center that Tamarac does not need.
Shaker Village Recap
The proposed purchase was to buy part of the Shaker Village property on which a dilapidated clubhouse sits. You can read about the saga of Shaker Village here. Yes, it has been an eyesore for way too many years. However, if we genuinely want to be One Tamarac, we must consider what is best for the entire city. Spending $12 million for the Shaker Village deal is NOT best for the entire city. As a matter of fact, hundreds came out against it at a Commission meeting last year. However, the cries of the majority were ignored, and three Commissioners, Bolton, Daniel, and Wright, voted for it anyway. Mayor Gomez and Commissioner Villalobos voted against it. Yet, here we are.
What’s Best for the City?
The fight to do the right thing is not over; at least many Tamarac residents are unwilling to drop this issue. As recent posts and comments show, many residents are still against it. The money is one issue. Another reason is that the city would bail out one community at the expense of all others. We have a multitude of communities whose clubhouses need repair and upgrades. Will they get help? The answer is no.
Another issue is whether we really need a Community Center on the “east side” of Tamarac. What is its functionality? Has a study shown that we desperately need one? Or is it just to replace the clubhouse that Shaker Village has not repaired at taxpayer expense?
The current Community Center is 2.3 miles from Shaker Village. I would venture to say every resident of Shaker Village drives further than that to attend a movie or concert or to eat at a restaurant. They might even drive to the Sports Complex for the One Tamarac Multicultural Festival. Why? Because we are one Tamarac, you go to things that are important to you, even if they are in Coral Springs or Downtown Fort Lauderdale.
How far is the current Community Center from Kings Point? Three miles. Do they need a Community Center North? Woodmont is 2.6 miles from the Community Center. Do we need one out that way? Or how about from Southgate? 4.2 miles. No, we do not need another Community Center, especially one that will cost all taxpayers to the tune of $12 million. Keep in mind those were last year’s figures. Can you imagine the costs now?
One Tamarac
Again, it is pitted as East Tamarac vs West Tamarac, rich versus poor. Why is this so? I have heard that we have to help the less fortunate on the east side. Really? I’m on the east side and farther east than Shaker Village. Is that what some think of the east side? That it is filled with poor people who can’t make it on their own? Honestly, how degrading and divisive.
We are one Tamarac, and the Commission should be committed to bringing us together for the City for Your Life. We should not be divided over what is best for the entire city. I would ask that people stop trying to divide Tamarac.
The Commission needs to consider Tamarac as one and what is best for one Tamarac. Certainly, it is NOT spending $12 million to bail out a community that did not take care of its own property.
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