By: Sharon Aron Baron
The Broward Democratic Executive Committee changed things up at their monthly meeting and featured two well-known journalists that most people are familiar with probably as much as the politicians as they cover: Anthony Man from the Sun Sentinel and Buddy Nevins from Broward Beat.
Typically politicians are the featured speakers at the monthly DEC meetings, and now that we’re in an election year, many of them are looking for an audience.
This is why it was refreshing for the audience members in attendance to hear both renowned journalists and get their perspective on the 2014 election year.
Speaking to a packed crowd at the Deicke Auditorium Tuesday evening in Plantation, both Man and Nevins have a combined 50 years of political experience between the two of them.
“I think the Democratic Party has their best chance in a long time to win the Governor’s race,” said Nevins. “This has to do more with the quality of the candidate on the Republican’s side, than the Democrats have to throw at him. As far as candidates, there is only one person who can beat Rick Scott and that’s Charlie Crist.
Nevins went on to tell the audience that he realized there were fans of hers in there, but said that Nan Rich could not win. He believed north of Broward, she would never get 20 percent of the vote.
“She’s too liberal, she’s too Jewish, she’s too Broward and frankly she’s a little too old…and did I mention she was too liberal?” – Buddy Nevins
Man believes that the Democrats shouldn’t take anything for granted, “I believe Rick Scott will be very, very difficult to beat.” He added that because the economy is better and because of Scott’s finances, the Democrats cannot assume that he will be easy to beat.
Other questions included the future of print news moving towards digital where both of them gave interesting insight, as well as anonymous commenters on their websites.
Watch the Youtube videos above for full coverage of the event. You can find Anthony Man’s column’s at the Sun Sentinel Broward Politics Section as well as follow the Editorial Board on Twitter and you can read Buddy Nevin’s column at
The Tamarac – Sawgrass Democratic Club meets monthly. Their next meeting is Wednesday March 20th, 2013 7:00 pm at Horizon Bay Senior Center 7620 N. University Dr. Tamarac, FL 33321.
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